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The Naked Brothers Band 4ever!!*
"If that´s not love: Amistad, amor & musica", by: Nat Wolff :) xD
11 de Febrero, 2009    General

Nickelodeon´s Crush Night!

hOlIs! :) Se QuE yA pAsO "cRush NigHt" pEro iGuaL qUisE pOnEr eSte ArTicUlo! :)
oJalA LeS guStE! :)

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Nickelodeon Crush en Adolescentes "Idol" David Archuleta enPre-San Valentín de horario de programación del evento, 'Crush Night", 7 de febrero

Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Foto: David ArchuletaMakes Acting Debut on Nickelodeon's iCarly and Hosts the Love-Themed Lineupwith Miranda Cosgrove on February 7. (PRNewsFoto/Nickelodeon)

Singing Sensation Archuleta Makes Acting Debut on iCarly , Hoststhe Love-Themed Lineup withCantoSensación Archuleta Hace Actuación debuta en iCarly, Servidores el Amor-líneacon el lema Nick Star Miranda Cosgrove Nick Estrella Miranda Cosgrove - and Debutshis - Y su debut Brand-NewSingle Nueva marcaúnica on TV en la TV

Two New Love-Songs Debut in The Naked Brothers Band Valentine'sSpecial True Plays Cupid on True Jackson, VP Dos nuevas canciones Love-Debut en The Naked BrothersBand Especial de San Valentín Amor Verdadero Es verdadero en Jackson, VP

NEW YORKNUEVA YORK , Jan. 29 29 de enero /PRNewswire/-- Nickelodeon's pre-Valentine's "Crush Night" is music to kids' earswhen teen "Idol"/ PRNewswire / - Nickelodeon antes de San Valentín "Noche deaplastamiento" es música para los niños por los oídos cuando adolescente"Idol" David Archuleta David Archuleta takes on his newest challenge: The crush-worthy singing sensationmakes his acting debut on the mega-hit iCarly , and helps kick offall-new episodes of back-to-back romance-themed primetime premieres, asume su más reciente desafío: Laflechazos dignos cantante hace su debut en el que actúa el mega-éxito iCarly, y contribuye a iniciar todos los nuevosepisodios de back-to-back romance con temas horario estrenos, Saturday, February 7 Sábado, 7 de febrero ( 8-9:30 pm ET 8-9:30 pm /PT). / PT). Archuleta, whose hit single " Crush" is toppingthe Billboard charts, teams up with iCarly headliner Archuleta, cuyo éxito "Crush" es el complemento de Billboard, con losequipos de cabeza de iCarly Miranda Cosgrove Miranda Cosgrove to celebrate teen romance as they host the night from the set of iCarly. para celebrar el romancede adolescentes, ya que el anfitrión de la noche el conjunto de iCarly. Archuletaperforms his current hit " Crush" ( Archuleta realiza su actual éxito "Crush" ( February 7 7 de febrero ) and his new single, " A Little Too Not Over You"-- debuting the new tune on TV within Nick's Crush Night encore, ) Y su nuevo single, "No es unpoco más de ti" -debuta el nuevo tono en la TVen Nick aplastamiento nocturno Encore, Sunday,February 15 Domingo, 15 defebrero -- in front of adoring fans, and theduo also unveils premieres of iCarly, True Jackson, VP and The NakedBrothers Band. -Delante de fans, el dúo y también presenta estrenos de iCarly,Verdadero Jackson, VP yTheNaked Brothers Band.

(Photo: ) (Foto:

Kicking off the New Year right, iCarly and TrueJackson, VP are the new number-one and number-two kids' programs,respectively, on all of television with K6-11 and T9-14, as Nickelodeon endedthe month of January as the clear leader with kids and tweens. iCarlyaveraged 11.1/2.4 million K6-11 and 10.2/2.2 million T9-14. True Jackson, VPaveraged 7.8/1.6 million K6-11 and 7.0/1.5 million T9-14. Empezando el año nuevo derecho, iCarly y True Jackson, VP son los nuevos número uno y número dosniños en los programas, respectivamente, en todos los de la televisión con elK6-11 y T9-14, como Nickelodeon terminó el mes de enero como el claro líder conlos niños y preadolescentes. iCarly promedio 11.1/2.4 millones K6-11 y10.2/2.2 millones de T9-14. verdadero Jackson, vicepresidente de un promedio de 7.8/1.6 millones deK6-11 y 7.0/1.5 millones de T9-14.

Archuleta, 17, affirms his first acting gig was enjoyable andcame with a couple of perks.Archuleta, 17, afirma su primer concierto fue actuando agradable y viene con unpar de ventajas. "I was nervous and thought I'd beawful, but it felt really comfortable and came pretty easily since I wasallowed to play myself. With 'iCarly' I got to hang out with kids my own agefor a change, and that was a real bonus." "Yo estaba nerviosa y pensé en ser horrible, perose sentía muy cómodo y fue muy fácil desde que fue autorizado a jugar yo.Con" iCarly "Tengo que pasar el rato con los niños de mi misma edadpara un cambio, y que se una verdadera ventaja. " An added plus was the network itself. Otra más fue la propia red. "I'm a huge fan of Nickelodeon's, and two of my favoriteshows growing up were Kenan & Kel and All That , so it wasespecially cool to make my acting debut on a Nick show." "Soy un gran fan de Nickelodeon, ydos de mis favoritos fueron creciendo Kenan y Kel y todo lo que, por lo que fue especialmente frescopara hacer mi debut en un show de Nick."

Kicking off the night, at Dan inicio a la noche, en 8 pm 8 pm ,fellow teen idols/budding pop stars Cosgrove -- whose single " AboutYou Now" has charted on multiple Billboard charts including the Hot100 Singles Chart and the Hot Digital Tracks -- and Archuleta converge withcomedy on Nick's convergent hit series iCarly . , Compañeros de los ídolos deadolescentes / gemación estrellas del pop Cosgrove - cuyo único "SobreUsted ahora" haseñalado en múltiples incluyendo el Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart y el HotDigital de Pistas - Archuleta y converger con la comedia sobre Nick convergenteexitosa serie iCarly. Season-seven American Idol runner-up Archuleta playshimself in the episode titled "iRocked the Vote." Temporada de American Idol y siete el segundo Archuleta interpretaa sí mismo en el episodio titulado "iRocked de la votación." Archuleta stars as a contestant on an "Idol"-esque showcalled "America Sings" who gets a huge spike in votes after beingcheered on Carly's (Cosgrove) webcast. Archuleta estrellas como concursante en un"Idol"-esque espectáculo "Canta América", que obtiene unenorme aumento en las votaciones después de ser animado sobre Carly la(Cosgrove) webcast. When runner-up Cuando el segundo finalista Wade KingWade Rey tells a sob story about his sickmother, guilt-ridden Carly invites him on her web show, only to discover thathe's an arrogant phony.cuenta una historia sobre sob su madre enferma, plagada de culpabilidad Carlyle invita en su web se presenta, sólo para descubrir que él es un arrogantefalso. Carly uses it as an amazingopportunity to welcome nice-guy superstar/heartthrob Carly utiliza como una increíbleoportunidad para dar la bienvenida agradable-tipo superestrella / heartthrob David ArchuletaDavid Archuleta as a special guest. como invitado especial.

As Crush Night continues, there are bumps in the road on the wayto love, and Cupid takes turns hitting and missing his mark. Como la noche sigue aplastamiento, haybaches en el camino en el camino hacia el amor, y Cupido se turnan para golpeary perder su marca. At En 8:30 pm 8:30 pm , in TrueJackson , VP /"True the Matchmaker" True ( , En el verdaderoJackson, VP / "Escierto el Matchmaker" True ( Keke Palmer Keke Palmer ) tries to mend Max's broken heart by fixing him up with herschool's librarian after he learns his ex-fiance is marrying someone else. ) Trata de enmendar Max corazón rotomediante la fijación de él con ella la bibliotecaria de la escuela después deque aprende de su ex-novia es casarse con alguien más. Meanwhile, Amanda and Oscar bond over their secret love of aridiculous soap opera.Mientras tanto, Amanda y Oscar de bonos de su amor secreto de un ridículoculebrón.

Next up, on The Naked Brothers Band /"Valentine DreamDate," Nat ( A continuación,en The Naked Brothers BandNat Wolff) grudgingly agrees to appear on adating game show as a celeb contestant vying for a Valentine's Day dream datewithVictoria Justice( Zoey 101/Spectacular! ). / "Sueño de San Valentín Fecha," Nat ( NatWolff ) De acuerdo aregañadientes a aparecer en un data show de juegos como un contendiente celebcompitiendo por un sueño el día de San Valentín con fecha Victoria Justice (Zoey 101/Spectacular!).But when hisabsentee girlfriend Rosalina arrives in town for a surprise visit just as he'sprepping for his date, he has some serious explaining to do.Meanwhile,Alex's (Alex Wolff) attempts to play Cupid backfire, when he helps Jesse reconcilewith her long lost love, Abdul, who ends up taking her love for granted. Pero cuando su novia ausente Rosalinallega a la ciudad para una visita sorpresa al igual que la de preparar sufecha, tiene serias explicar que hacer. Mientras tanto,Alex ( Alex Wolff ) Intenta jugar Cupidocontraproducente, cuando él ayuda a Jesse reconciliar con su largo amorperdido, Abdul, quien acaba de tomar su amor por sentado. Meanwhile, Nat and the band turn love into a melody whenbrand-new tunes "Jesse" and "No Night Is Perfect" debut. Mientras tanto, la banda de Nat y amora su vez en cuando una melodía nueva música "Jesse" y "Noche noes perfecto" debut.

Crush Night will encore on Noche de aplastar bis sobre Sunday,February 15 Domingo, 15 defebrero as part of Nickelodeon's SpectacularPresidents' Weekend, as Archuleta and Cosgrove also answer crush-relatedquestions submitted by the audience, and Archuleta performs his newsingle for the first time on TV. como parte de Nickelodeon's Spectacular Presidentes de fin desemana, como Archuleta y aplastar Cosgrove también respuestas relacionadas concuestiones planteadas por el público, realiza Archuleta y su nuevosingle por primera vez en la televisión. Nickelodeon'smulti-platform efforts for Crush Night include a sneak peek of all threepremieres and additional footage ("Extra Scoops") on TurboNick andNick's wireless partners, beginning Nickelodeon multi-plataforma para los esfuerzos deaplastamiento Noche incluyen una ojeada de los tres estrenos y escenasadicionales (Extra Paletas ") y Nick en TurboNick wireless socios, apartir January 26 26 de enero , and the entire Crush Night programming event will be simulcaston Nick Mobile. , Y toda lanoche la programación de aplastamiento evento será simultánea en Nick Mobile. In addition, TurboNick will offer a post-premiere instant replay. Además, TurboNick ofrecerá un estrenodespués de la repetición instantánea. Post-premiere,the three new episodes will be available via iTunes. Post-estreno, los tres nuevos episodiosestarán disponibles a través de iTunes.

Nickelodeon, now in its 30th year, is the number-oneentertainment brand for kids.Nickelodeon, ahora en su 30mo año, es el número uno de la marca deentretenimiento para los niños. It has builta diverse, global business by putting kids first in everything it does. Se ha construido un negocio globaldonde los niños, poniendo en primer lugar en todo lo que hace. The company includes television programming and production in La compañía incluye programación detelevisión en the United States los EE.UU. and around the world, plus consumer products, online, recreation,books, magazines and feature films. y en todo el mundo, además de productos comerciales, Internet ¸actividades recreativas, libros, revistas y películas de largo metraje. Nickelodeon's US television network is seen in more than 98million households and has been the number-one-rated basic cable network for 14consecutive years.Nickelodeon en EE.UU. red de televisión es visto en más de 98 millones dehogares y ha sido el número uno de la red de cable básico durante 14 añosconsecutivos. For more information or artwork, visit . Para más información o material gráfico, visite Nickelodeonand all related titles, characters and logos are trademarks of Viacom Inc.(NYSE: VIA, VIA.B).Nickelodeon y todos los títulos, personajes y logos son marcas registradas deViacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B).

SOURCE Nickelodeon FUENTE Nickelodeon

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Nickelodeon Crushes on Teen 'Idol'David Archuleta in Pre-Valentine's Primetime Programming Event, 'Crush Night,'February 7

Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Foto: David ArchuletaMakes Acting Debut on Nickelodeon's iCarly and Hosts the Love-Themed Lineupwith Miranda Cosgrove on February 7. (PRNewsFoto/Nickelodeon)

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Singing Sensation Archuleta Makes Acting Debut oniCarly, Hosts the Love-Themed Lineup with Nick Star Miranda Cosgrove - andDebuts his Brand-New Single on TV

Two New Love-Songs Debut in The Naked Brothers BandValentine's Special True Plays Cupid on True Jackson, VP

NEW YORK, Jan. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Nickelodeon'spre-Valentine's "Crush Night" is music to kids' ears when teen"Idol" David Archuleta takes on his newest challenge: Thecrush-worthy singing sensation makes his acting debut on the mega-hit iCarly,and helps kick off all-new episodes of back-to-back romance-themed primetimepremieres, Saturday, February 7 (8-9:30 p.m. ET/PT). Archuleta, whosehit single "Crush" is topping the Billboard charts, teams upwith iCarly headliner Miranda Cosgrove to celebrate teen romance as theyhost the night from the set of iCarly. Archuleta performs his currenthit "Crush" (February 7) and his new single, "A LittleToo Not Over You" -- debuting the new tune on TV within Nick's CrushNight encore, Sunday, February 15 -- in front of adoring fans, and the duo alsounveils premieres of iCarly, True Jackson, VP and The Naked BrothersBand.

(Photo: )

Kicking off the New Year right, iCarly and TrueJackson, VP are the new number-one and number-two kids' programs,respectively, on all of television with K6-11 and T9-14, as Nickelodeon endedthe month of January as the clear leader with kids and tweens. iCarly averaged11.1/2.4 million K6-11 and 10.2/2.2 million T9-14. True Jackson, VP averaged7.8/1.6 million K6-11 and 7.0/1.5 million T9-14.

Archuleta, 17, affirms his first acting gig wasenjoyable and came with a couple of perks. "I was nervous and thought I'dbe awful, but it felt really comfortable and came pretty easily since I wasallowed to play myself. With 'iCarly' I got to hang out with kids my own agefor a change, and that was a real bonus." An added plus was the networkitself. "I'm a huge fan of Nickelodeon's, and two of my favorite showsgrowing up were Kenan & Kel and All That, so it wasespecially cool to make my acting debut on a Nick show."

Kicking off the night, at 8 p.m., fellow teenidols/budding pop stars Cosgrove -- whose single "About You Now"has charted on multiple Billboard charts including the Hot 100 Singles Chartand the Hot Digital Tracks -- and Archuleta converge with comedy on Nick'sconvergent hit series iCarly. Season-seven American Idolrunner-up Archuleta plays himself in the episode titled "iRocked theVote." Archuleta stars as a contestant on an "Idol"-esque showcalled "America Sings" who gets a huge spike in votes after beingcheered on Carly's (Cosgrove) webcast. When runner-up Wade King tells a sobstory about his sick mother, guilt-ridden Carly invites him on her web show,only to discover that he's an arrogant phony. Carly uses it as an amazingopportunity to welcome nice-guy superstar/heartthrob David Archuleta as aspecial guest.

As Crush Night continues, there are bumps in the roadon the way to love, and Cupid takes turns hitting and missing his mark. At 8:30p.m., in True Jackson, VP/"True the Matchmaker" True (KekePalmer) tries to mend Max's broken heart by fixing him up with her school'slibrarian after he learns his ex-fiance is marrying someone else. Meanwhile,Amanda and Oscar bond over their secret love of a ridiculous soap opera.

Next up, on The Naked Brothers Band/"ValentineDream Date," Nat (Nat Wolff) grudgingly agrees to appear on a dating gameshow as a celeb contestant vying for a Valentine's Day dream date with VictoriaJustice (Zoey 101/Spectacular!). But when his absentee girlfriendRosalina arrives in town for a surprise visit just as he's prepping for hisdate, he has some serious explaining to do. Meanwhile, Alex's (Alex Wolff)attempts to play Cupid backfire, when he helps Jesse reconcile with her longlost love, Abdul, who ends up taking her love for granted. Meanwhile, Nat andthe band turn love into a melody when brand-new tunes "Jesse" and"No Night Is Perfect" debut.

Crush Night will encore on Sunday, February 15 as partof Nickelodeon's Spectacular Presidents' Weekend, as Archuleta and Cosgrovealso answer crush-related questions submitted by the audience, andArchuleta performs his new single for the first time on TV. Nickelodeon'smulti-platform efforts for Crush Night include a sneak peek of all threepremieres and additional footage ("Extra Scoops") on TurboNick andNick's wireless partners, beginning January 26, and the entire Crush Nightprogramming event will be simulcast on Nick Mobile. In addition, TurboNick willoffer a post-premiere instant replay. Post-premiere, the three new episodeswill be available via iTunes.

Nickelodeon, now in its 30th year, is the number-oneentertainment brand for kids. It has built a diverse, global business byputting kids first in everything it does. The company includes televisionprogramming and production in the United States and around the world, plusconsumer products, online, recreation, books, magazines and feature films.Nickelodeon's U.S. television network is seen in more than 98 millionhouseholds and has been the number-one-rated basic cable network for 14consecutive years. For more information or artwork, visit Nickelodeon and all related titles, characters and logos aretrademarks of Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B).

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publicado por ilovenbb a las 14:01 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
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me encanto tu blog!!!!!!!!
espero algun dia poder conversar ovio de los naked brothers band!
te dejo mi correo es:

plis pasame esas imagenes que pusiste!!!
esparo tu respuesta... porfa ponme en tus contactos!!!!!!!!!!!!!

publicado por kristina, el 30.03.2009 18:08
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IloveNBB* (nbb4ever)

Me eNcAnta EsTa bAnDaaAaAAa!! (L)
SoN mIs iDolOs!! :) xD
LoS qUe mE inSpiRarOn a lA MuSicA!(8)
LoS aMooO!!


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